Saturday, June 12, 2010

Just catching up

Hey everybody
Kiree here to tell you all about what I have been doing. Well to start with school is out and I am already busier than a one armed paper hanger. I am doing a lot of things in 4-h and that has been keeping me very busy. That a long with my quilting classes and sewing my squares I have been and will continue to advance in after schooll programs like my book cluba dn reading will over 500 pages for my Freshman English year extra credit. I have read 2 book club books this year along with many others. at my last book club meeting I found out that I could get real credits for being in the book club, credits going to my graduation one 1/4 or a 1/2 credit but to get them I must do a project for my counselor to see that I really was reading ad participating in the book club.

I have finally finished planting my garden and I have some already coming up. Gardening is one of my 4-h projects and I am doing fairly will with it. I still have a long way to go to be finished and I have to make a poster for the Lincoln county fair in Eureka. I am very excited about that but I am also pretty scared and not sure if I will do well or not. I can hope and pray about it. and even before the fair there is State. State is were the best in what ever the category my be out of their county in the senior age group go to compete with all of the other counties to see who is best in the state; if that makes since. Well I am doing a demonstrated talk that is about heath and fitness. I need to start writing my speech. wish me luck and pray for me if you would.

that sums my last few months up so now I can write about my day. uneventful I got up @ 8am. got my book and read tell about 10am. then I got up and took a shower and took care of my self, had breakfast; 2 small pieces of my homemade bread turned to toast w/ butter and honey. saw we were low on bread so I started my sourdough sponge then found my dad water the plants in the green house; tomatoes and peppers some herbs. helped him and pulled dome weeds in my garden. finished in the garden went in side and talked. then I fought with the computer and Safari tell I quite with that because it was not loading blog spot or e-mail switched to Firefox and started blogging. ha ha

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The things I do with my father

My father has been working the shop to produce beautiful log/burl furniture. He has been working on this for the last few months and has plans to put them in shops in near by towns. I help him the shop where I have time on the weekend or after school. there are many very interesting things in the shop. He has many things in the shop that are for shaping stone and I have made some very interesting things in the shop. This summer I plan to start making walking sticks. The walking sticks I will make will have nots in them and cat faces with very different and unique looks to them. I love to do very everything or anything with my father. He a very wonderful and caring man in his own way.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I have not written in while

Gee well I have not written in a long time, so sorry for that. I am on spring vacation from school now and am sipping on my morning tea. last night I watched Mad Money. It was really good. while I was watching a friend called with another one of her friends. Boy is sure can give you a headache listening to two people talk a once. Church was great on Sunday. The preacher had very good message. I am going to eat breakfast soon so bye.

I will be putting a short story on my blog soon. I will be keeping in touch a lot more.